About Richmondshire Orchestra


Who is Richmondshire Orchestra?

Richmondshire Orchestra is a community group based in Richmond, North Yorkshire drawing musicians of all ages from the Dales, County Durham and Yorkshire. We perform three concerts each year as well as running social events and informal music making sessions. 

The orchestra is managed by a committee of volunteers from within the orchestra and hold an Annual General Meeting during the autumn of each year.



We're still working on this page! Come back later to learn more about members of the orchestra.

Thank you for your patience!

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Join the Orchestra

Thinking of joining Richmondshire Orchestra? We welcome all new string players but places for wind and brass players depend on the programmes for each season.

Read on for more information or contact us to sign up.


Our concert season follows the school year, with concerts in December, March and June. Rehearsals start at 7.30pm on Thursday evenings during term time at Richmond School.

During the summer we run a series of informal rehearsals where we try out different music and offer opportunities to rehearse a concerto with an orchestra or have a go at conducting. Get in touch if you would like to join us.



With a light, airy hall with excellent facilities, The Garden Rooms Tennants is one of our most popular concert venues. It has a large car park with level access, access to a hearing loop and a bar, cafe and restaurant which is open most days.

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VENUES: Richmond School

We regularly rehearse at Richmond School and sometimes perform concerts here. It has a large, well lit car park with easy access through wide doorways.


Principal Conductor: Martin Budgett

Following two degrees in Music at The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, and University College, Cardiff, specialising in performance on French Horn, Martin undertook a successful career in education, the majority focussing on the leadership of school improvement in challenging circumstances.  Martin took early retirement in 2018 and moved to Eastern Cumbria with his wife and Labradors where he is settling happily into the musical life of Richmondshire, Cleveland and Cumbria as a conductor and horn player, and as an organist for his local churches. 


Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2024 Richmondshire Orchestra